Billion-dollar donation from Netflix’s Reed Hastings leads 2024’s list of biggest gifts
Associated PressThe Chronicle’s annual list of the biggest charitable donations from individuals or their foundations totaled nearly $6 billion in 2024, with half of that coming from three contributions of $1 billion or more each. Hastings and his wife, Patty Quillin, gave 2 million shares of Netflix stock valued at $1.1 billion in January to their Hastings Fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Medical school aid Next on the list is the $1 billion Michael Bloomberg gave through his Bloomberg Philanthropies to Johns Hopkins University to make medical school free for most students and provide more financial aid to the university’s nursing and public health students. Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, and his wife Patty Quillin; $1.1 billion to Hastings Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation 2. Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, and his wife Patty Quillin; $502.4 million to Hastings Fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation 6.