Telangana police tops in national ranking: Home Minister
Deccan ChronicleKARIMNAGAR: In matters of maintenance of law and order and providing better services to the people, the Telangana police received several national awards and rewards and stood as “number one”, Home Minister Md Mohmood Ali said on Tuesday. The minister said the government is providing modern vehicles to the police personnel and constructing new buildings for police stations. Under the supervision of DGP Mahendar Reddy, and utilizing advanced and modern technology, the Telangana Police is showing the way to the police in other states in the maintenance of peace and harmony and for protection of law and order in the state, he said. Minister Koppula Eshwar, MP Venkatesh Netha, DGP Mahendar Reddy, police housing corporation chairman Damodar Gupta, MLA Chander Patel, ZP chairman Putta Madhukar, police commissioners Chandrasekhar Reddy and Satyanarayana and district collector Sangitha Satyanarayana were present.