How Indian ultrarunners are training for the IAU 100km World Championships
Live MintThe International Association of Ultrarunners 100km World Championships in Bernau and Berlin, Germany, in August last year was momentous for India. In the women’s category, Jyoti Gawate bettered Nupur Singh’s previous national record, while Vipul Kumar eclipsed the men’s mark set by Amar Singh Devanda the previous year. And last year’s run has raised the bar for Indian runners at the IAU 100km Asia and Oceania Championships in Bengaluru on 30 July. Vipul Kumar too prefers to rise early in the morning and visualise the day’s session.“For instance, if the next day is a speed workout, I go to sleep with the session in my mind—what I plan on doing, my goal and how I will put in my best effort to finish it well. “The food we consume each day isn’t enough to sustain the effort of ultra running, so I also look at things like hydro fibre and multi vitamins.