Two men arrested after mother tells of horror moment as fairground ride ‘failed and crashed’ in Birmingham
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy Two men have been arrested after a fairground ride “failed and crashed” plunging riders nearly 180ft to the ground at a Christmas market in Birmingham city centre. The arrests come after two women were taken to hospital suffering injuries from the City Flyer ride, which dropped to ground level “whilst in operation” in Centenary Square at 7.30pm on Thursday. “We stayed out the way because we didn’t want to make the situation worse by crowding around.” West Midlands Fire service said the fairground ride “had failed and crashed” adding: “The ride dropped to ground level whilst in operation.” A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokeswoman said: “On arrival, crews found 13 patients. “Nine women and two men were assessed by medics before being given self-care advice and discharged at the scene.” open image in gallery The aftermath of the accident, which saw two women hospitalised Birmingham City Council said it was aware of the incident and that its thoughts were with the people who had been injured.
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