Democratic debate night 2: Kamala Harris knew she was on TV and it paid off
SalonProsecutors understand television better than most, for what is an audience if not a jury in micro? This is how California Sen. Kamala Harris emerged as the victor in the second Democratic presidential debate, and knocked former vice president Joe Biden back on his heels. But even at the height of its tumult, the second debate never devolved into, as “Full Frontal” jokingly dubbed it, “Miami Fights — The Democratic Debate Kickass Kickoff Punch-Knock Throwdown.” If only. That made it riper for conflict than Wednesday which, as predicted, showcased Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren running ahead of everyone else, with former HUD Secretary Julián Castro and New Jersey Sen Cory Booker tag teaming to deliver a beat-down to former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke. Nine of the contenders on Thursday’s stage clearly engaged in debate prep, ready for the NBC moderators’ “show of hands” issue moments, which worked better on night one than it did in the second round.