We Changed Our Lives Because of Our Remote Jobs. Now It’s All Crumbling.
SlatePay Dirt is Slate’s money advice column. We put most of our profit from the sale of our last house into the downpayment of the new one, but with our jobs at the time we were still able to budget out a plan to have all our credit card debt paid off, another round of IVF scheduled, and still have funds to pay for certification coursework that would help me advance my career and obtain a new job by the end of 2022. If you’re considering taking on another set of costs, consider taking a pay cut while continuing your job search. Dear Pay Dirt, I just had an expensive reminder that my car is very old, but it’s running and work is close and hybrid so it’s fine for now. “If your job is highly variable such as commission-based or not secure, then borrowing less could be better.” You’ll also need to consider the interest rate for a new car loan along with how this loan will affect your debt-to-income ratio should you need to finance an additional purchase soon.