Inside the desperate final moments of a brave father who drowned at a crowded beach - as heartbroken family reveal his heroic final act
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Inside the desperate final moments of a brave father who drowned at a crowded beach - as heartbroken family reveal his heroic final act

Daily Mail  

Tasmanian dad drowned while trying to save kids from rip A final harrowing moments of a hero dad who drowned while rescuing four children from a rip have been revealed. Emergency services and surf lifesavers rushed to a group's aid at Carlton Beach before a 38-year-old man lost consciousness and couldn't be revived Carlton Beach is most often patrolled but is known for having dangerous currents at one end Police revealed that Mr Allen was briefly conscious as he was dragged from the water. Dr Mohammad Swapan and his wife Sabrina Ahmed lost their lives saving their youngest daughter at Conspicuous Cliff Beach The couple's two daughters were left orphaned by the tragic ordeal on Saturday afternoon Mr Allen was one of four men to die in separate water incidents on Sunday. An 18-year-old man lost his life after falling from a rope swing at the Coomera River near the Gold Coast on Sunday in a spate of holiday season water accidents Luca Bennett was swept from the rocks at Avoca Beach, Central Coast NSW on Christmas Eve before his body was four days later The Perth couple dived into the water to save their youngest daughter from a dangerous rip at Conspicuous Beach near Walpole on Saturday afternoon before they got into difficulty themselves. Royal Lifesaving Society chief executive Justin Scarr said Australians need to stay extra vigilant around water during the treacherous week until New Years Eve, where one in four annual drownings can take place.

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