Drones Could Be Used To Smuggle Drugs And Firearms Into Prison, Security Experts Have Warned
Huff PostThe use of drones with the potential to drop drugs and firearms into prisons, is an “emerging threat”, an intelligence expert has warned. Drones could potentially be used to smuggle dangerous items into prisons, experts have warned Although there is currently no evidence of firearms being smuggled into facilities by drones, NOMS said that there was “potential” for it. “Everywhere is vulnerable because it is air space and as long as you can get over the wall you are vulnerable.” NOMS said there were nine attempts to use drones to infiltrate prisons in England and Wales in the first five months of this year, compared to four in total last year. The Independent also reported several incidents involving drones at prisons, including an attempt to fly a drone carrying mobile phones and drugs into Bedford Prison earlier this year, while in recent weeks a UAV was found crashed into fencing at Liverpool Prison.
History of this topic

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The use of drone surveillance leads to just four arrests
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