Yemeni Bodegas Launch Boycott Of New York Post Over 9/11 Front Page
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING The Yemeni American Merchants Association launched a boycott of The New York Post Saturday to protest the newspaper’s incendiary front page that invoked 9/11 to attack Rep. Ilhan Omar. For allies, please spread the words with your local bodega ‼️ #IstandWithIlhan — YAMAbodegastrikebaby April 13, 2019 This time YAMA is taking action to protest the Post’s front page Thursday that featured a photo of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center with an isolated quote from a recent speech by Omar saying that “some people did something” while discussing the aftermath of 2001 terrorist attack on the U.S. The group said it was calling on “all Yemeni American bodega and deli owners” as well as “our community and allies across New York City” to boycott the Post. “It’s not the first time that the New York Post basically spreads hate and fear in their newspapers,” Ayyad Algabyali, the merchant association’s director of advocacy, told The Guardian.