Soil census to provide insight for agricultural practices
2 weeks ago

Soil census to provide insight for agricultural practices

China Daily  

Farmers harvest rice at Jiangchuan Farm of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group in Heilongjiang province. The soil census plays a critical role in supporting China's agricultural modernization and ecological sustainability, officials and experts said. This year's World Soil Day underscored the importance of accurate soil data and information in understanding soil characteristics and supporting food security, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. To ensure national food security and support high-quality agricultural development with accurate soil data, China launched the third soil survey nationwide in 2022, and has made remarkable progress, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. "The team has conducted extensive soil sampling across approximately 730 million hectares of arable land, orchards, forests, grasslands and other agricultural lands," Yang said.

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每日一词∣全国土壤普查 national soil census
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每日一词∣全国土壤普查 national soil census

China Daily  

国务院近日印发《关于开展第三次全国土壤普查的通知》,决定自2022年起开展第三次全国土壤普查。普查对象为全国耕地、园地、林地、草地等农用地和部分未利用地的土壤。普查时间为2022—2025年。 The State Council, China's cabinet, has decided to conduct the third national soil condition census from 2022 to 2025, according to a circular released on Feb 16. The census will target soil of arable land, garden plot, forest land, grassland and other agricultural lands around the country including some unused land, the circular noted. 2月11日,安徽省亳州市赵桥乡“无人农场”的水肥一体化自动灌溉系统在喷水施肥。(图片来源:新华社) 【知识点】 《关于开展第三次全国土壤普查的通知》强调,遵循全面性、科学性、专业性原则,全面查明查清我国土壤类型及分布规律、土壤资源现状及变化趋势,真实准确掌握土壤质量、性状和利用状况等基础数据,提升土壤资源保护和利用水平,为守住耕地红线、优化农业生产布局、确保国家粮食安全奠定坚实基础,为加快农业农村现代化、全面推进乡村振兴、促进生态文明建设提供有力支撑。 《通知》明确,普查对象中,林地、草地重点调查与食物生产相关的土地,未利用地重点调查与可开垦耕地资源相关的土地,如盐碱地等。普查内容主要包括四个方面:立地条件普查,包括地形地貌、水文地质等;性状普查,包括有机质、酸碱度、养分情况以及颜色、质地等物理、化学性状;类型普查,包括不同成土母质、不同气候条件、不同地形地貌、不同利用状况下土壤类型的核实与补充完善等;利用状况普查,包括灌排设施情况、植物生长情况、种植制度等基础信息,以及肥料、农药、农膜等投入品使用情况。 【重要讲话】 …

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