US-China trade war is starting to get out of hand
CNNNew York CNN Business — The US-China trade war has always been serious. “The policy of using tariffs as a tool to address our legitimate beefs with the Chinese has failed miserably.” The escalating US-China trade war will certainly be bad for the US economy. How bad is almost impossible to calculate.” Art Hogan, chief market strategist at National Securities Corporation David Kotok, co-founder and chief investment officer of investment firm Cumberland Advisors, told CNN Business that “this stupid tariff war we’re having” is raising the risk of a recession. FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams told CNN Business last week that the agency is “monitoring very closely” how banks in farm states are being impacted by the trade war. “They’re becoming increasingly pessimistic about their ability to steer Trump away from further escalation.” China’s currency move raised the specter of a currency war, where major countries race to devalue their respective currencies.