Trump Battles On Truth Social To Make Voting As Inconvenient As Possible
2 years, 2 months ago

Trump Battles On Truth Social To Make Voting As Inconvenient As Possible

Huff Post  

Donald Trump demanded in a Truth Social screed Friday with lots of capital letters that governors across the nation make voting as inconvenient as possible by banning most mail-in ballots and limiting voting to a single day. Banning mail ballots and limiting voting to a single day would almost certainly lower the numbers of voters. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, for example, called on his party to support mail-in ballots after Herschel Walker’s defeat in the U.S. Senate race in Georgia, where Republicans passed a restrictive voting law last year that made it harder to vote by mail. The only exceptions he would make under his limiting system would be “far-away military” personnel, and those with a “proven illness.” Critics had some pushback: Translation: Democrats vote by mail, and since I have convinced so many of you that doing so will result in Italian satellites being used to flip your votes so now you won’t do it, we must end all mail-in voting and make it difficult as possible to vote!

History of this topic

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