China DailyWorld on track to breach a critical warming threshold in the next five years 世界气象组织的年度报告称,在温室污染和厄尔尼诺现象的共同作用下,地球可能在未来五年内首次突破较工业化前水平升高1.5摄氏度的临界点。 Photo/Pexels The world is now likely to breach a key climate threshold for the first time within the next five years, according to the World Meteorological Organization, due to a combination of heat-trapping pollution and a looming El Niño. 世界气象组织报告称,随着气温上升,未来五年中至少有一年有98%的几率会成为地球史上最热的年份,未来五年也会成为有史以来最热的五年。 Breaching the 1.5-degree threshold may only be temporary, the WMO said, but it would be the clearest signal yet of how quickly climate change is accelerating – hastening sea level rise, more extreme weather and the demise of vital ecosystems. 世界气象组织称,打破1.5度临界点可能只是暂时的,但这是气候变化加速最明确的信号,气候变化会加速海平面上升,导致更多极端天气和重要生态系统的瓦解。 Countries pledged in the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees – and preferably to 1.5 degrees – compared to pre-industrial temperatures. Scientists consider 1.5 degrees of warming as a key tipping point, beyond which the chances of extreme flooding, drought, wildfires and food shortages could increase dramatically.