Saif Ali Khan’s Jawaani Jaaneman to open at around Rs 4.5 cr, can run parallel to his highest grosser Tanhaji
Hindustan TimesJanuary has been the best month for Saif Ali Khan from the commercial aspect. The actor is set to see his second release of the year, Jawaani Jaaneman this Friday with his first film Tanhaji already running in theatres at a whopping Rs 235 crore in box office returns. Film trade analyst Girish Johar expects Jawaani Jaaneman to open at around Rs 3.5-4.5 crore. It should get a decent start at Rs 3.5 crore - 4.5 crore, depending on word of mouth and how it performs in the evening on Friday.” While Saif played the antagonist Udaybhan in Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji, he plays his tried and tested fun-loving man-child in Jawaani Jaaneman. The film also marks the entry of Pooja Bedi’s daughter Alaya F, who not just looks promising in the trailer but The film comes a week after Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor’s dance film Street Dancer 3D and Kangana Ranaut’s Panga, which stand at a six-day total of Rs 53.34 crore and 19.83 crore, respectively.