Bathing to paw care: Ultimate guide to dog grooming for keeping your furry friend clean and hygienic
Hindustan TimesDog hygiene is a concern for every dog parent, especially when they come home wagging their tail after rolling in the mud. He recommended, “Brushing frequency depends on coat type: long-haired dogs need daily brushing to prevent mats, while short-haired breeds need weekly brushing to remove loose hair. Dr Saraswat said, “It’s important to clean your dog’s paws after each walk to remove dirt, salt, chemicals, or debris that can irritate the skin or cause infections. Dr Saraswat revealed,”Ideally, a dog’s teeth should be brushed 3–4 times a week to prevent plaque build-up and maintain oral health. Dr Saraswat suggested,” Regular cleaning of a dog’s ears is necessary, especially for breeds with floppy ears or excess wax build-up; eyes may need occasional wiping for breeds prone to tear stains.