Dear PM Modi, Take a Trip From Wayanad to Rampur Via Chicago
5 years, 9 months ago

Dear PM Modi, Take a Trip From Wayanad to Rampur Via Chicago

The Quint  

A couple of decades later, “separate electorates” became the unbridgeable chasm between Gandhi and Jinnah that led to the creation of Pakistan. That, in the present circumstances, representation of Mussulman in the different Legislatures of the country and other elected bodies through separate electorates is inevitable and further, the Government being pledged over and over again not to disturb this franchise so granted to the Muslim community since 1909 till such time as the Mussulman chose to abandon it, the Mussulman will not consent to joint electorates. The Congress was implacably opposed to Jinnah’s demands, as articulated in the Nehru Report of 1928: It is admitted by most people now that separate electorates are thoroughly bad and must be done away with. Everybody knows that separate electorates are bad for the growth of a national spirit, but everybody perhaps does not realize equally well that separate electorates are still worse for a minority community. Under separate electorates therefore the chances are that the minority will always have to face a hostile majority, which can always by sheer force of numbers, override the wishes of the minority.

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