Meditation and mindfulness tips for coping with the coronavirus pandemic
LA TimesPaying attention to what’s happening in the moment is difficult in the age of COVID-19, but it can also help us cope during an unsettling time. Your practice will only get stronger over time.” Try to avoid what Winston calls “worst-case scenario” forward thinking and focus on what’s happening now. In a way, we get to be better people” Sampson offers these simple meditation techniques as a way to stay healthy right now: Breathe Take a moment every day to do some slow, deep breathing. Every day at noon, host Dan Harris, who famously had a panic attack while reading the news on “Good Morning America,” offers a “live sanity break” with leading meditation teachers from around the country. UCLA Mindful App Studio-recorded guided meditations and free weekly podcasts led by Diana Winston, a former Buddhist nun and one of the nation’s best known teachers of mindfulness meditation.