China Daily五、中国军队服务构建人类命运共同体 V. Contributing to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind 当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行使这个大变局加速变化,国际安全形势不稳定性不确定性增加,世界和平面临多元威胁。联合国维和行动受制因素日趋增多,职能任务日趋繁重,安全环境日趋复杂,面临多重挑战和考验。中国将继续发挥安理会常任理事国作用,坚定支持和参与联合国维和行动,积极响应联合国“为维和而行动”倡议,支持对联合国维和行动进行合理必要改革,为建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界作出应有贡献。 The world is going through profound changes unseen in a century, and the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating such changes. China will continue to fulfill its responsibilities as a major country, scale up support for and involvement in the UNPKOs, and join forces with other countries to promote a sound and reasonable UN peacekeeping reform. China's armed forces will endeavor to play a stronger role in the UNPKOs, comprehensively improve peacekeeping capability, faithfully fulfill their responsibilities, and contribute more to world peace. China supports the UN's efforts to improve peacekeeping partnerships by strengthening coordination among the Security Council, the Secretariat, TCCs and host nations, and optimizing the UN's coordination and collaboration with regional and sub-regional organizations. As always, China's armed forces will continue to provide unfailing support for the UNPKOs, fulfill their commitments to safeguarding peace, and bring greater confidence and hope to conflict-ridden areas and local people.