Problematic movie tropes and where to find them: Here's where to get your dose of manchild films and more
3 years, 5 months ago

Problematic movie tropes and where to find them: Here's where to get your dose of manchild films and more


It’s that kind of time again y’all! ‘Allegedly Problematic’ is a monthly column by Kuzhali Manickavel, which takes a cheeky look at literary/cultural offerings from the past that would now be considered, well, problematic — and asks, ‘But are they really?’. Previously on Problematic Movie Tropes: Immigrant Spelling Bee Movies, Hero with Heart of Milk/Gold Movies, The Amazing White Dude Movie, The White Saviour Movies, Poor People Work Hard and Get Rich Over the Course of One Song Movies Manchild Movies In today’s modern world, ‘manchild’ usually refers to entitled dudes who cry when their entitlement is endangered. Apart from being unable to do basic things for himself like bathing or eating, said dude is also “innocent” aka “doesn’t know anything” aka perfect dude for the otherwise wily heroine to seduce. Problematic Rating — I know that as a woman writing on the internet I need to learn about the concept of timepass, it’s just a movie, etc.

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