6 Ways To Improve Your Relationship If Your Partner Is A Workaholic
Huff Postd3sign via Getty Images Here's how to deal if you have a spouse who's glued to their phone because of work. “For 10 minutes, the whole family reads together, silently, and it’s what helps her get through the reading she needs to do for work while getting in some quality family time.” Another client of Agostino’s takes every Friday totally off to spend with her husband and young child or go for a run. Guido Mieth via Getty Images If your partner is enthusiastic about work, that positive energy will come through in your relationship, executive wellness coach Naz Beheshti said. Let’s get takeout so we can still have family dinner.’” At the end of the day, fine-tuning your personal life and schedule will benefit your partner and your productivity at work the next morning. “When my clients are respecting their own work-life balance dreams, they’re happier, their employees are happier and their companies do better,” Agostino said.
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