Of ‘evolution’ in India
2 weeks, 2 days ago

Of ‘evolution’ in India

The Hindu  

If Homo sapiens sapiens emerged from Africa’s savannas through the quiet perseverance of nature, Homo sapiens artificialis is destined to crawl out of India’s chaotic, clanging socio-economic carnival. The privileged elites, those sipping overpriced kombucha while their AI assistants remind them to hydrate, might fancy themselves as the vanguard of Homo sapiens artificialis. If Homo sapiens sapiens mastered fire and language, Homo sapiens artificialis will master multitasking amid chaos. India doesn’t just produce a hybrid species; it crafts a living satire, a being that can debate philosophy with AI-enhanced logic while haggling for coriander at a roadside stall.

History of this topic

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7 years, 1 month ago

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