Opinion | Even Centrists Agree: Ben Wikler for DNC Chair
PoliticoSo why do we view Wikler as the right leader for right now? To contrast most distinctly with a Republican Party led by the oldest person ever elected president, Democrats should pick a future-oriented leader without the baggage or scars of the past decades of political warfare. Jesse Jackson once remarked, the Democratic Party needs “two wings to fly.” And indeed, the modern Democratic Party is a big, tumultuous coalition, in which robust debate is not just tolerated, it’s seen as essential. Throughout his career, Ben Wikler has held true to his mainstream, Midwestern values while recognizing that the real job is not to shift the Overton Window but to broaden the party’s tent. But we all believe that Ben Wikler is the right person to unite our coalition, modernize our party and expand the map so that Democrats can win and govern again.