Joe Biden Wants Hackers’ Help to Keep AI Chatbots in Check
WiredChatGPT has stoked new hopes about the potential of artificial intelligence—but also new fears. Today the White House joined the chorus of concern, announcing it will support a mass hacking exercise at the Defcon security conference this summer to probe generative AI systems from companies including Google. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy also said that $140 million will be diverted toward launching seven new National AI Research Institutes focused on developing ethical, transformative AI for the public good, bringing the total number to 25 nationwide. In Washington, DC, last week, Democrat senator Michael Bennett introduced a bill that would create an AI task force focused on protecting citizens' privacy and civil rights. Also last week, four US regulatory agencies including the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice jointly pledged to use existing laws to protect the rights of American citizens in the age of AI.