I’m not normally one for nostalgia – but the Sex and the City reboot feels embarrassingly comforting
The IndependentA few years ago I was invited to perform at a comedy event staged at a history festival deep in the West Country. I took the return train home as the sun set, feeling hazy and full of cups of tea, and some forgotten sense of “Englishness” that I had never really known. And though some people choose to live in something akin to that bubble all the time – and it suits them – it wasn’t for me. In an age where we have stand-up comedian London Hughes performing her show To Catch A Dick on wide release via Netflix, I worry the return of SATC will feel like watching your mum’s auntie trying to be shocking by mouthing the word blow job when she’s had a bit too much prosecco? I don’t know if the new SATC will find its place in a world where everyone is now talking about their sex lives openly, all the time.