Delhi Smog Towers: Solution to Pollution or Waste of Public Money?
The QuintDelhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday, 9 October, announced that the Delhi government has taken a decision to build a smog tower in the capital’s Connaught Place to fight the pollution crisis, touted to be worth Rs 20 crore. The CM said that this would be India’s first smog tower and would be one of two smog towers coming up in Delhi, the other being built by the Central government in Anand Vihar. While China claims to have successfully battled pollution with two such structures in Beijing and Xi’an, the upcoming smog towers in Delhi will have a different technology and will suck the air from the top and release filtered air near the ground, the reverse of China’s, CM Kejriwal said on Friday. In November 2019, an expert panel estimated that Delhi will need a total of 213 anti-smog towers to battle the pollution crisis.