Dissanayake in Beijing: Why Sri Lanka must look harder at what it’s signing on with China
FirstpostAs Sri Lankan President Dissanayake meets Xi Jinping in Beijing, a look at China’s economic grip on Sri Lanka’s economic sovereignty, and the goodwill that India has shown towards its southern neighbour during financial hardship and political turmoil When Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake meets his host, Chinese President Xi Jinping, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday, he may be captivated by the charm of Chinese hospitality. This contrasting position of China with its aggressive economic tactics against India’s culturally rooted, strategic approach carries critical implications for Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and the stability of the broader region. Unlike China’s high-interest loans linked to large infrastructure projects, India’s aid focused on immediate relief directly addressing the urgent needs of the Sri Lankan people. China’s financial support and focus on big infrastructure projects have made it a strong partner, but the risk of too much debt has led Sri Lanka to look for other options.