ICE agents may be planning a major operation in L.A. What are your rights?
LA TimesImmigration and Customs Enforcement officials look to arrest an immigrant living in the country illegally and with a criminal record on Sept. 8, 2022, in Los Angeles. Earlier this month an internal government document reviewed by The Times stated ICE plans to carry out a “large scale” immigration enforcement action in the Los Angeles area at the end of the month. According to advocates, you have the right to say: “I do not consent to this entry or search.” Don’t physically resist but instead you have the right to document what happens, including: Officer names and badge numbers Details of their actions Gather contact information for any present witnesses After agents have left, you have the right to reach out to and consult with a legal representative. If ICE agents are present when you’re on public transportation: You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. If it is an ICE agent, you have the right to remain silent and do not offer any information, said Shiu-Ming Cheer, California Immigration Policy Center’s deputy director of Immigrant and Racial Justice.
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