NSC plan for pension fund referendums puts strain on coalition
2 months ago

NSC plan for pension fund referendums puts strain on coalition

Dutch News  

Pieter Omtzigt’s NSC party is calling for members of pension funds to be given a vote on whether to be included in the new Dutch system. NSC MP Agnes Joseph is expected to submit plans that would require pension fund managers to hold a referendum first before transferring to the new system. The reforms created individually tailored pension “pots” rather than giving employees a share of a large collective fund, while pension funds’ returns will more closely reflect market performance. Under the old system all payments made during a worker’s career counted equally towards their final pension, whereas under the new system payments are treated as investments that grow over time, so contributions made in the early years are worth more.

History of this topic

MPs back formal review of NSC's pension referendum plan
2 months ago
Dutch pension funds, retirees need more say before system overhaul, says NSC
2 months, 1 week ago
MPs near agreement on pension reforms
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