This New Designer Kitchen Tool Is Just a Stick. So Why Are We Obsessed With It?
WiredYou might have thought sticks had gone away. There’s even a stick appreciation movement, via Stick Nation’s “reviews” of cool finds in nature by “Stick Heads” that are posted on Instagram and TikTok. “I was a little irritated, my spoons didn’t quite work with the casseroles I was cooking, so I thought maybe I could do something else,” he says. It was so intuitive to work with.” The Tool One is indeed a pimped stick—handmade from beechwood, the three cooking sticks are 1 centimeter, 1.6 cm, and 2.2 cm wide, with tilted sides on the lower half, rounded to grip at the top. “The big one is actually fantastic to make an overnight sourdough,” Richardt says, “because when you use a wooden spoon to stir the sourdough, it’s very heavy and you get tired in your arm before you get the gluten effect.” In his culinary experiments, he has used his new tools for everything from stirring cocktails to flipping fried fish in a pan: “It’s a tool that you just take out and maybe find your own needs for, actually.
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