Jaffrabad anti-CAA protesters shift their sit-in dharna to Seelampur
Op IndiaAfter the riots in North-East Delhi which were finally brought to a halt by security forces today, the Anti-CAA women protestors have moved to Seelampur to continue their protest against Citizenship Amendment Ac. Earlier they were protesting in front of the Jaffrabad metro station, blocking access to the station, but the sit-in protest there were cleared by police due to riots in the northeast Delhi area. Some people were already protesting at the Seelamour site for the last 2 months, and today nearly 300 women shifted there from Jaffrabad metro station that is nearly a kilometre away and joined the sit-in there. The Islamists took the agitation further with the Shaheen Bagh sit-in protests including women and Children against CAA and NRC, that was expected to meet an end after mediation by supreme court lawyers but the protestors continues there, with additional protesters gathered at Jaffrabad Metro station, further leading to the violent clashes among groups and the police.