Cyber security agencies suspect massive data breach in the last few days
The HinduCyber security agencies suspect a massive data breach has occurred over the last few days, enabling cyber criminals to obtain proof against citizens visiting pornographic websites and blackmailing them. Such emails have become rampant over the last few days and this may be due to a data breach event,” Balsing Rajput, Maharashtra Cyber SP, said. Once the trackers have access to the victims’ browsers, they can do anything that they are programmed to do, including capture log in names and passwords of email or other accounts.” Another possibility, he said, is that passwords of a large number of targets, which were hacked at a previous date, have been sold in bulk to a gang specialising in cyber-extortion and are now being used to intimidate the victims. Mr. Rajput said everyone should follow basic cyber hygiene to avoid falling prey to such scams.