Opinion: It's Time For ‘Woke’ To Be Put To Sleep
Huff PostIt’s that one-move “dance” that anyone with upper limb motor skills can execute. “Stay woke” originated in the Black community around the time 18-year-old Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, becoming a catchphrase of the Black Lives Matter movement in the mid-2010s. Nikki Haley, the world’s most not-wannabe Indian ever, suggested that “woke ideology” in schools will turn children into the infected from “The Last of Us” or something. Thank you for spotlighting this tragedy Newsweek https://t.co/CeAhWCgrxr — Laura Bassett March 19, 2023 Despite using the word as the axiom for her book and her entire professional reason for being, Mandel seems to have never been able to rightly define “woke.” I’m certain she’s not alone among her fellow conservatives in their inability to define the word since it’s really just shorthand for the N-bomb for many of them. I’ll never use the word “woke” the way we intended again, but at least I got to see a woman dog-walked over criticizing something she didn’t understand.