5 best blackhead remover tools that help clear pores
The IndependentSign up to our free weekly newsletter for insider tips and product reviews from our shopping experts Sign up for our free IndyBest email Sign up for our free IndyBest email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Use products that slough away dead skin cells and dirt, such as AHAs, BHAs and retinol, avoid those that contain comedogenic ingredients, such as shea butter, and be sure to double cleanse with a flannel every night, especially if you wear make-up. It’s best to attempt extractions when your pores are naturally more open, which happens with heat: try it after a run or a shower, or simply put a towel over your head and hold your face close to a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. After extractions, we recommend removing any remaining dirt with an acid-based exfoliating toner, and then following up with a hydrating serum and an oil; this last step may sound counterintuitive, but it actually helps regulate your skin’s own oil production.