Dr. Dre, will.i.am, Issa Rae give early ‘yes’ to proposed school arts initiative
3 years, 2 months ago

Dr. Dre, will.i.am, Issa Rae give early ‘yes’ to proposed school arts initiative

LA Times  

Freshmen in music class at Panorama High School in 2019. A proposed ballot initiative would provide more funds for arts education — especially to schools like this one in high-poverty communities. Depleted public schools arts programs would get a huge boost under a proposed statewide ballot initiative put together by former L.A. schools Supt. The initiative, if it gets on the ballot and wins voter approval, would raise an estimated $800 million annually to benefit public school students in kindergarten through 12th grade with often limited access to music, drama, and visual arts education. And, lastly, another potential initiative states that public schools would have to provide each teacher and pupil with 30 hours of “healthy Earth sustainability education and best practices training every two years.” All of the proposed measures are in the early stages of attracting enough signatures of support to make the ballot, part of California’s initiative process, which allows citizens to propose laws and constitutional amendments without the governor or Legislature.

History of this topic

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