Ex-RNC Chair Who Hates The GOP Explains Why He’s Still A Card-Carrying Republican
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING Michael Steele, a former chair of the Republican National Committee, has explained why he’s still a card-carrying Republican — despite his fierce criticism of the party’s lurch to the right under former President Donald Trump. “I was in this party at a time when it was not easy, particularly as a Black Republican, to carry water for the party, even back at that time in the mid-’70s,” Steele recalled. And here I sit today looking at this shit show, this absolute, God-awful train wreck … actually, a train wreck looks better than this thing.” Steele said that “what pisses me off more than anything” are GOP leaders like House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and “the folks who sit there and wring their hands privately” to him “about how awful this is” and admit action is needed but won’t do anything about it. Steele described himself as “kind of a Motel 6 Republican.” “Someone’s got to keep the lights on,” he said.
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