A Millionaire Saves The Silenced Symphonies Of Pakistan
10 years, 11 months ago

A Millionaire Saves The Silenced Symphonies Of Pakistan


A Millionaire Saves The Silenced Symphonies Of Pakistan Enlarge this image toggle caption Hiroyuki Ito/Getty Images Hiroyuki Ito/Getty Images The city street where Sachal Studios is located looks like any other in Lahore, Pakistan. "In Punjab here in Pakistan, music is usually practiced by traditional musicians' families," says Mushtaq Soofi, a music producer. "'Take Five' was a big hit in Lahore in the '60s," Majeed says. "I can't find a single piano player in Lahore, maybe in Pakistan, a real piano player," Majeed says. "It is very difficult for musicians, because music is considered forbidden because it is un-Islamic," cellist Ghulam Abbas says.

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