Bombay High Court Judge Rohit Deo Resigns in Open Court
Deccan ChronicleNagpur: Justice Rohit Deo, a judge of the Bombay High Court on Friday, said he had resigned due to personal reasons. Making the announcement in his courtroom here — the high court has a bench at Nagpur — Justice Deo also said that he could not compromise on self-respect, according to a lawyer who was present. Last week Justice Deo stayed the operation of a Maharashtra Government Resolution of January 3 through which the state was empowered to cancel punitive proceedings initiated by the revenue department related to the illegal excavation of minor minerals by contractors engaged in the construction of the Nagpur-Mumbai Samruddhi Expressway. Deo was appointed as a judge of the Bombay High Court in June 2017 and was due to retire in December 2025.