Where are all the whales? Fewer southern rights spotted off Albany coast
ABCFar fewer southern right whales are being spotted off Western Australia's Great Southern coast this winter compared to last year's bumper season. Key points: Fewer southern right whales are being spotted in Albany compared to last year One whale tour operator believes it could be due to the high level of fresh water in King George Sound A marine biologist says it's a normal part of the whales' three-year breeding cycle Southern rights migrate to birth in sheltered bays off southern WA between July and October, but this year they've proven to be a rare sight for Albany's avid whale spotting community. Paul Guest says he believes southern right whales are being deterred by high levels of fresh water in the King George Sound. Whale numbers down on last year Mr Guest said he saw 14 southern right whales at once in the Ataturk Channel, between King George Sound and Princess Royal Harbour, last year. Albany whale tour operator Mark Muscat, however, told the ABC he spotted three pairs of southern right whales in the King George Sound yesterday.
History of this topic

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