Forget Chatbots. AI Agents Are the Future
WiredThis week a startup called Cognition AI caused a bit of a stir by releasing a demo showing an artificial intelligence program called Devin performing work usually done by well-paid software engineers. Devin’s creators brand it as an “AI software developer.” When asked to test how Meta’s open source language model Llama 2 performed when accessed via different companies hosting it, Devin generated a step-by-step plan for the project, generated code needed to access the APIs and run benchmarking tests, and created a website summarizing the results. Google DeepMind calls it a “generalist.” I suspect that Google has hopes that these agents will eventually go to work outside of video games, perhaps helping use the web on a user’s behalf or operate software for them. Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind, recently told me that he plans to combine large language models with the work his company has previously done training AI programs to play video games to develop more capable and reliable agents.