'The anxiety had taken hold': How perinatal mental health support can help mothers like Renee
3 years, 4 months ago

'The anxiety had taken hold': How perinatal mental health support can help mothers like Renee


Adjusting to life as a new parent is a lesson in sleepless nights and exhaustion, but for Renee Knight it descended into something else. "It took about two weeks to really get the help I needed and in that time my mental health deteriorated to the point that I really was in a suicidal state." Psychiatrist Gaynor Blankley says extra funding will help respond to increasing demand for perinatal mental health care. The Mental Health Royal Commission heard from mothers who felt judged for their parenting when trying to access postnatal support, or found they were either too sick or not sick enough to get help. The head of the Mercy Health group, Stephen Cornelissen, said funding for perinatal mental health had historically fallen short.

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