Channel 4 journalist discovers Indian grandfather's role fighting for Britain in WWII - but claims contribution of 2.5million Indians in victory over Hitler has been 'overlooked'
Daily MailAs willing volunteers, 2.5million Indians who fought for Britain in the Second World War played a key role in helping to defeat Hitler's Nazi Germany. But, until he made a documentary for Channel 4, Bafta-winning journalist Mobeen Azhar, 44, was largely ignorant of his Indian grandfather's contribution to Britain's victory. Major Nawab Din, the late grandfather of journalist Mobeen Azhar, is seen in the uniform of the Pakistani army after the Second World War. He was one of the 2.5million Indians who fought for Britain in the conflict Until he made a documentary for Channel 4, Bafta-winning journalist Mobeen Azhar, 44, was largely ignorant of his Indian grandfather's contribution to Britain's victory 'I can be angry and upset and disgusted at the idea of empire and I can still acknowledge that millions of Indians volunteered, joined an army, fought, sacrificed and defined history,' he adds. Above: Nawab Din in military uniform Indian troops seen atop a tank in Egypt during the Second World War When war broke out in September 1939, there were 250,000 men in the British Indian Army.
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