The L.A. style education of Shiona Turini
LA TimesStylist Shiona Turini wants to make sure her clients feel like “they’re facing the world the best way they can and in an authentic way.” “I don’t do a lot of celebrity styling — it’s something that I enjoy in small doses,” Shiona Turini told Darian Symoné Harvin at an Image magazine and L’Oréal event in El Segundo last November. “I want to make sure that someone feels like they’re facing the world the best way they can and in an authentic way. ST: One important thing that I’ve always asked anyone I work with is not “What do you want to look like,” but, “Show me pictures of when you hated how you looked.” I always want to know: When did you not feel like yourself? When I went to college — I went to Hampton University — I talked to a teacher and I was like, “I know how to work with the clothes, but I’m definitely not a model, and I’m not a designer.” She was like, “Well, how do you think people get clothes in the music videos?