What Pro Athletes Eat For Breakfast vs. What YOU Should Eat
Huff PostGetty/HuffPost Michael Phelps is rumored to have consumed 12,000 calories a day when he was training, but that may not be the best idea for someone less active. “What I’ve found is that many athletes have an established game day meal plan,” Dunn said. As for general caloric needs, professional athletes need to consume more than the average person given the amount of energy they’re using in their respective sports, and to help with recovery. “For the general population, we don’t want them eating these foods that make them hungry more often or that have a lot of energy density to them.” Bubbs explained that the more intense your exercise, the greater your reliance on carbohydrates, so professional athletes simply need more carbohydrates in their system. The male athletes he’s worked with need about 4,000 calories a day while the general recommendation for the average person is around 2,000 calories per day.