DNA testing identifies soldier remains after 'needle-in-a-haystack' search for descendants
6 years, 4 months ago

DNA testing identifies soldier remains after 'needle-in-a-haystack' search for descendants


Science is helping solve some of Australia's most enduring military mysteries, finding names of previously unidentified soldiers who died more than a hundred years ago. "Literally door-knocking, approaching real estate agents — trying to find forwarding addresses and ways to reach out to family members in order to request a DNA donation," Mr Bernie said. Forensic DNA specialist Dr Jodie Ward said common 'nuclear' DNA tests aren't possible on damaged remains. Forensic DNA specialist Dr Jodie Ward said a fresh approach was needed because common, nuclear DNA tests were not possible on very old and damaged remains. Dr Ward said scientists are using mitochondrial DNA testing, which looks at DNA along the maternal line or the mother's family line.

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