Al Molinaro, character actor known for role on ‘Happy Days,’ dies at 96
9 years, 5 months ago

Al Molinaro, character actor known for role on ‘Happy Days,’ dies at 96

LA Times  

Al Molinaro, the hawk-nosed character actor who played the clumsy but benevolent owner of Arnold’s Drive-In on “Happy Days,” helping that TV sitcom earn lasting acclaim, died Friday in a Glendale hospital. Before “Happy Days,” which ran from 1974 to 1984, Molinaro also portrayed the bumbling but personable police officer Murray on “The Odd Couple,” providing a comic foil for stars Tony Randall and Jack Klugman. Molinaro had a similarly goofy but endearing role as diner owner Al Delvecchio on “Happy Days.” He replaced Pat Morita in 1976 — the same season it was TV’s most-watched show. A 1982 Times profile of “Happy Days” highlighted Molinaro’s endearing role: “The emphasis was always on heart in the episodes in which Molinaro was the star.” The actor played Delvecchio in more than 100 episodes and knew the character inside and out.

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