Tollywood stars collaborate with non-Telugu directors to expand pan-India reach
Deccan ChronicleTop Telugu stars are increasingly teaming up with Tamil and Kannada directors to enhance their pan-India appeal. Meanwhile, Jr NTR has also announced a project with Prashanth Neel, which promises to be an action-packed adventure targeting mass audiences.“Tamil and Kannada directors are making waves in Telugu cinema,” noted Gopi Mohan, a prominent writer. “With Telugu films breaking regional and language barriers, superstars are keen to work with non-Telugu directors who excel in creating universal themes and portraying larger-than-life heroes.”Collaborating with directors from other industries offers significant advantages. “Shankar’s vast Tamil fan base benefits Ram Charan by extending his reach in Tamil Nadu, just as Prashanth Neel has boosted Prabhas’ popularity in Karnataka,” explained Gopi Mohan. “Additionally, directors like Prashanth Neel, known for the KGF series, and Shankar, with Hindi hits like Nayak, bring credibility and appeal to Hindi-speaking audiences, the biggest market for Telugu cinema.”Emerging Tamil filmmakers such as Lokesh Kanagaraj and Nelson Dilipkumar are also in talks with stars like Jr NTR and Allu Arjun for future projects.