All You Ever Wanted To Know About Gallstone Disease
The QuintPeople with gallstones and who are asymptomatic must avoid fried foods and highly processed refined carbohydrates, high-fat dairy and fatty red meat. This is based on the premise that the gallbladder contracts very vigorously to flush out its contents including the sludge and small gallstones after taking the ‘cleanse.’ The cleanse has olive oil as one of its constituents, which is the strongest known stimulant for gallbladder contraction. On the contrary, during the process of flushing small gallstones may get stuck in the common bile duct and cause jaundice and severe pain which is generally caused by an inflamed pancreas due to the stuck stone. Other alternative methods to treat gallbladder disease are dandelion, milk thistle and our very own Isabgole which in an animal study has been shown to protect hamsters from the formation of cholesterol gallstones.