Hyderabad pharmacy student who staged her own abduction and rape, found dead
India TodayA 19-year-old student of pharmacy who had stanged her own abduction and rape earlier was found dead on Wednesday morning. Police launch investigation As per a report, the Telangana police have launched an investigation amid allegations that the girl was being constantly harassed by her relatives for drumming up a fabricated story of kidnap and rape, which was exposed by the Rachakonda police on February 10. On February 13, the Rachakonda Police revealed discrepancies in the victim’s statement and weaved together a video sequence collected through 100 different CCTV cameras, which showed the student hopping into two different autos and getting off at a location where she was found semi-naked with injuries to her leg. After finding no connection between the girl’s initial statement and scientific evidence like cell phone tower records of suspects, the police questioned the girl for the third time when she finally confessed to having fabricated the entire story and even created a rape scene to mislead the police and implicate the accused auto driver, in a bid to exact revenge over a past incident where the two of them had an altercation, the report said. “While she made a huge mistake by cooking up a story, the aftermath of the situation for her as well as her family could have much better had the case been handled sensitively, both by police and media,” the report quoted a close relative of the deceased as saying.