How to prepare your home and family, if new virus spreads
Associated PressAs the new coronavirus keeps turning up in more places, health experts say it’s wise to prepare for wider spread. A good way to think about planning, says former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, is “if you had to be quarantined for 14 days at home,” how would you cope? “It’s always a good thing to have extra on hand, coronavirus or not.” CLEANING SUPPLIES Clean things that are touched a lot — countertops, light switches, doorknobs, cabinet handles — daily using ordinary detergent and water, the CDC advises. “We’re in a small space and we’re bringing our entire community with us every day.” Desmond Browne, who said he was a doctor from Brooklyn, also was buying cleaning supplies at Costco there on Monday. “It’s good that people are preparing in advance” and they should get the most important things they need and not overdo it, he said.