Priyanka Chopra shares close-up pic of daughter Malti in desi girl onesie. See cute pic
India TodayPriyanka Chopra love spending time with her family. PRIYANKA CHOPRA SHARES CLOSE-UP PIC OF DAUGHTER MALTI In the new picture that Priyanka Chopra shared on her Instagram stories, Malti is seen wearing a white T-shirt which says ‘desi girl.’ It gives a glimpse of Malti’s little hands and legs, as well as half her face. Sharing the picture, Priyanka used the hashtag ‘desigirl.’ Check it out: ON THE WORK FRONT FOR PC Priyanka Chopra is all set for her next Hollywood project, and it has an Indian connection. While talking to Forbes, Kaling revealed why her chemistry with Chopra is extremely fun, "I have this movie with Priyanka Chopra, she’s Punjabi Indian from India and I’m an Indian American Bengali girl from the East Coast. Starring Richard Madden and Priyanka Chopra, the Citadel franchise is an action-packed spy series with compelling emotional angles.